
EC-Council’s Certified Cloud Security Engineer (C|CSE) program is curated by cloud security professionals in association with renowned subject matter experts to deliver a mix of vendor-neutral and vendor-specific cloud security concepts. The vendor-neutral concepts focus on cloud security practices, technologies, frameworks, and principles. In contrast, the vendor-specific materials deliver the practical skills that are needed to configure specific platforms, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). This offers candidates a well-balanced mix of theoretical and practical skills.

Who Should Earn a Cloud Security Certification?

  • Network security engineers

  • Cybersecurity analysts

  • Network security analysts

  • Cloud administrators and engineers

  • Network security administrators

  • Cloud analysts

  • Cybersecurity engineers

  • Those working in network and cloud management and operations

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Exam Preparation

Training and Exam

Exam Domains

  1. Introduction to Cloud Security

  2. Platform and Infrastructure Security in the Cloud

  3. Application Security in the Cloud

  4. Data Security in the Cloud

  5. Operation Security in the Cloud

  6. Penetration Testing in the Cloud

  7. Incident Detection and Response in the Cloud

  8. Forensic Investigation in the Cloud

  9. Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery in the Cloud

  10. Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance in the Cloud

  11. Standards, Policies, and Legal Issues in the Cloud

For more information please refer to the Certified Cloud Security Engineer (C|CSE) blueprint or brochure.

Schedule an Exam

To receive your exam voucher from EC-Council, please open the Aspen v2 Student User Guide and follow all steps. Once you have completed your evaluation as instructed you will be sent your exam voucher directly by EC-Council.

All official EC-Council training courses delivered by Lumify Work come with the standard exam voucher. The exam is required to be sat at a Lumify Work Campus in a proctored environment. Please contact our Customer Experience Team to arrange a suitable date and time: 1800 853 276 or [email protected]

If you do not wish to sit the exam at a Lumify Work campus for whatever reason, you may opt to take a remotely proctored exam (e.g. from home) or sit the exam at a Pearson VUE exam centre. However, both these options will be at an additional cost to you, transacted directly through EC-Council. Should you wish to do this, click through on the applicable link below and complete the exam upgrade. Please note you can only do this after you have received your exam voucher from EC-Council as per above.

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