Course subjects
Module 1: Introduction to machine learning
Types of ML
Job Roles in ML
Steps in the ML pipeline
Module 2: Introduction to data prep and SageMaker
Training and test dataset defined
Introduction to SageMaker
Demonstration: SageMaker console
Demonstration: Launching a Jupyter notebook
Module 3: Problem formulation and dataset preparation
Module 4: Data analysis and visualisation
Demonstration: Loading and visualising your dataset
Exercise 1: Relating features to target variables
Exercise 2: Relationships between attributes
Demonstration: Cleaning the data
Module 5: Training and evaluating a model
Types of algorithms
XGBoost and SageMaker
Demonstration: Training the data
Exercise 3: Finishing the estimator definition
Exercise 4: Setting hyper parameters
Exercise 5: Deploying the model
Demonstration: hyper parameter tuning with SageMaker
Demonstration: Evaluating model performance
Module 6: Automatically tune a model
Module 7: Deployment / production readiness
Deploying a model to an endpoint
A/B deployment for testing
Auto Scaling
Demonstration: Configure and test auto scaling
Demonstration: Check hyper parameter tuning job
Demonstration: AWS Auto Scaling
Exercise 10-11: Set up AWS Auto Scaling
Module 8: Relative cost of errors
Module 9: Amazon SageMaker architecture and features
Accessing Amazon SageMaker notebooks in a VPC
Amazon SageMaker batch transforms
Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth
Amazon SageMaker Neo
Please note: This is an emerging technology course. Course outline is subject to change as needed.