In this age of fast changing technology, email is the preferred and often most efficient form of business communication. Yet many organisations overlook the etiquette framework that should be in place when using this very important business communications tool.
An international workplace survey found that 83% of us use email, the internet, or both while at work; and most people are convinced it makes them more productive. However the explosion of unnecessary and time-wasting emails was one of the biggest sources of complaints. Some 35% of workers said they received high levels of emails that were either time wasting or unnecessary. This evidently points to the volume of emails that are directed to people without having a clear purpose.
In an increasingly knowledge-based economy, it is critical that information is widely accessible and able to be utilised effectively in the workplace. It is also vital that organisations develop policies to guide employees on the correct use of online communications. These should cover issues such as privacy, personal use, monitoring, downloading of content, access by third parties and illegal use of the internet.
This course provides you with the skills and techniques necessary for managing emails, creating and managing groups, writing professionally with effective email structures, creating signatures and templates, and more. Learn how to draft emails that are clear and concise and won't be misinterpreted by co-workers.
This is a practical class that is suitable for all audiences and provides people with the tools that they can apply on-the-job (and in other contexts) the very next day.
This course is delivered in partnership with PD Training.