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Angular courses

Angular is a complete JavaScript framework for creating dynamic and interactive applications in HTML. Why study Angular? Angular can be used to make web applications, native mobile applications, and desktop applications.

Learning Angular through Lumify Courses

Developers use Angular, a Javascript framework, for building web, desktop, and mobile applications. It is one of the most popular Javascript frameworks for building web applications, with 20.39% of web developers report working on this framework. It is also the fifth most-used web framework in 2022.

Lumify Work offers courses in the current version of Angular. Some older versions are also available so contact us today to discuss your requirements.

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What is Angular?

Angular is a popular open-source web application framework primarily maintained by Google. It is used to build dynamic, single-page web applications (SPA) and cross-platform mobile applications. The framework is written in TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript, which adds strong typing to JavaScript and enables better tooling and code organisation.

Is Angular in demand? 20.39% of web developers report working on this framework. It is also the fifth most-used web framework in 2022.

Angular provides a structured architecture and powerful features that help developers create scalable and maintainable applications. What are the skills required for Angular? Developers need to build their skills and experience in managing these key features.

  1. Components: Angular applications are built using components, which are self-contained and reusable building blocks that encapsulate the HTML templates, logic, and styles for a specific part of the user interface.

  2. Directives: Directives are used to extend the behaviour of HTML elements. Angular comes with built-in directives (like ngIf, ngFor, ngSwitch) and allows you to create custom directives as well.

  3. Services: Services are used to provide functionality that can be shared across components. They are typically used for tasks like data retrieval, authentication, and communication with the backend.

  4. Dependency Injection: Angular has a powerful dependency injection system that facilitates the management and injection of dependencies into components and services. This promotes the modularity and testability of the application.

  5. Routing: Angular offers a router module that allows developers to define navigation paths and manage the rendering of different components based on the current URL.

  6. Forms: Angular provides features for form creation, validation, and data binding, making it easier to work with forms in applications.

  7. Reactive Extensions (RxJS): Angular leverages RxJS, a library for handling asynchronous and event-based programming. This enables developers to manage data streams and handle events more efficiently.

  8. HttpClient: The built-in Angular HttpClient module simplifies making HTTP requests and handling responses from a backend server.

Angular has undergone several major versions, with AngularJS being the first version released in 2010, followed by Angular 2.0 in 2016. The "Angular" name commonly refers to version 2 and above, while "AngularJS" specifically refers to version 1. Angular is actively developed, and the community continuously releases updates and enhancements to the framework.

What is the Angular course all about? Lumify Work's comprehensive Mastering Angular 18 Boot Camp course in the Philippines combines theoretical learning and hands-on labs, including an introduction to Angular, followed by TypeScript, components, directives, services, HTTP Client, testing and debugging.

Packed with useful and actionable information, the training helps you apply learnings to your work immediately. Learn the fundamentals of basic Angular 15 development, such as single-page browser applications, responsive websites, and hybrid mobile applications. You can also learn about building native mobile apps with Nativescript and Angular through our online courses.

Can you learn Angular without knowing coding?

Learning Angular without any coding experience would be challenging. Angular is a web development framework, and to work with it effectively, you need a solid foundation in programming concepts, especially in JavaScript and TypeScript.

Here's why knowing coding is essential before learning Angular:

  • Understanding JavaScript and TypeScript: Angular is built using TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript. You need to be familiar with JavaScript fundamentals before diving into TypeScript. Knowledge of variables, data types, functions, loops, and objects is crucial to work with Angular effectively.

  • Working with HTML and CSS: Angular involves creating user interfaces using HTML templates and styling them with CSS. Although HTML and CSS are not fully-fledged programming languages, having a basic understanding of them is necessary to create and modify Angular templates and styles.

  • Logical and algorithmic thinking: Programming requires logical thinking to solve problems and design efficient algorithms. Coding helps you develop this ability, which is invaluable when developing Angular applications.

  • Understanding software architecture and concepts: Angular follows specific design patterns and architectural principles. Some coding knowledge is required to fully grasp the framework's concepts like components, services, modules, and dependency injection.

  • Debugging and troubleshooting: As a developer, you will face bugs and errors while working with Angular applications. Being familiar with coding enables you to understand error messages, debug issues, and troubleshoot effectively. Learn Angular testing and debugging in our online courses.

If you're new to coding but interested in learning Angular, the best approach is to first start with the basics of programming. Many online resources and tutorials can help you learn JavaScript or TypeScript from scratch. Once you feel comfortable with coding concepts, you can delve into Angular and other web development frameworks. Practice and hands-on experience are crucial to becoming proficient in Angular development.

Are Angular courses easy or difficult?

The difficulty of learning Angular, or any technology, depends on your prior experience, programming knowledge, and familiarity with related web development concepts.

How long will it take to learn Angular? Based on the experience of professional developers, those who spend 2-3 hours daily learning Angular through courses, self-paced learning, and hands-on experience often take 2-3 months to gain confidence in it.

Here are some factors to consider when assessing the ease or difficulty of learning Angular:

  • Previous programming experience: If you have experience with JavaScript or TypeScript and have worked with other web frameworks, you may find it easier to grasp Angular concepts since web development has some common patterns and principles.

  • Familiarity with web technologies: A basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is beneficial when learning Angular. If you are already familiar with these web technologies, it will help you get started with Angular more smoothly.

  • Complexity of the project: The difficulty may vary based on the complexity of the application you want to build. Simple applications may be relatively easier to create, while more complex projects with advanced features might pose more significant challenges.

  • Learning resources: The availability and quality of learning resources, tutorials, documentation, and community support play a significant role in how easy or difficult it is to learn Angular. Access to well-structured and comprehensive learning materials can make the learning process smoother. Lumify Work's Angular course includes learning resources and hands-on labs.

  • Angular version: Different versions of Angular may have varying levels of complexity. Each new version introduces changes and improvements over the previous one, which might affect the learning curve.

  • Practice and dedication: Learning Angular requires practice and dedication, like any skill. Regularly working on Angular projects and building real-world applications will help reinforce your understanding and make learning easier.

Generally, developers with prior experience in web development and JavaScript find Angular relatively easy to learn. However, if you are new to web development and coding, you may discover Angular to be more challenging initially. In such cases, it's essential to be patient, build a strong foundation, and gradually work up to more advanced topics.

Ultimately, the difficulty of learning Angular or any technology is subjective and varies from person to person. With persistence, a positive attitude, and a willingness to learn, many developers find Angular a rewarding and robust framework for building modern web applications.

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