
The ServiceNow Certified Application Developer exam certifies that a successful candidate has the skills and essential knowledge to develop applications to solve business problems both for their employers and for sharing with the ServiceNow ecosystem.

The ServiceNow Certified Application Developer exam is available to ServiceNow customers, partners, employees, and others interested in becoming a ServiceNow Certified Application Developer.

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Prepare for the exam

Check out the below resources to prepare for your exam.

ServiceNow Training

Build your skills with the required courses:

Upon completion of the Application Development Fundamentals course, the candidate will be eligible to purchase a nontransferable voucher code to register for the ServiceNow Certified Application Developer.

Schedule the Exam

ServiceNow partners with Kryterion using its Webassessor platform for exam registration. The mainline exams are offered at Kryterion Test Centres or can be taken anywhere online while a Kryterion proctor monitors the exam appointment.

To register for an exam, you will need to create a Webassessor account and then link it to your Now Learning account.

Request Certification Information