Cloud Computing and Virtualisation

Advanced AWS Well-Architected Best Practices

  • Length 1 day
Course overview
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Why study this course

This advanced technical-level course provides a deep dive into Amazon Web Services (AWS) best practices to help you perform effective and efficient AWS Well-Architected Framework Reviews. The course covers the phases of a review, including how to prepare, run, and get guidance after a review has been performed. Attendees should have familiarity with the AWS concepts, terminology, services, and tools that are covered in the intermediate, 200-levelAWS Well-Architected Best Practices.

This course provides an AWS Well-Architected Framework Review simulation and instructor-led group exercises and discussions regarding prioritising and solutioning risks. The content focuses on teaching learners how to prepare proposals on high and medium risk issues using the AWS Well-Architected Tool.

This course includes presentations, demonstrations, group exercise sessions, and knowledge checks.

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What you’ll learn

This course is designed to teach participants how to:

  • Recognise workload definition and key concepts

  • Identify the AWS Well-Architected Framework review phases, process, best practices, and anti-patterns

  • Identify high and medium risks

  • Prioritise improvements to the AWS Well-Architected workflow

  • Locate and use the AWS Well-Architected Framework white paper, labs, and prebuilt solutions in the AWS solutions library

  • Locate and use AWS Well-Architected independent software vendors (ISVs)

  • Locate and use the AWS Well-Architected Partner Program (WAPP)

AWS Partner Logo - Advanced Tier

AWS at Lumify Work

Lumify Work is an official AWS Training Partner for Australia, New Zealand, and the Philippines. Through our Authorised AWS Instructors, we can provide you with a learning path that’s relevant to you and your organisation, so you can get more out of the cloud. We offer virtual and face-to-face classroom-based training to help you build your cloud skills and enable you to achieve industry-recognised AWS Certification.

Who is the course for?

This course is intended for:

  • Solutions architects

  • Cloud practitioners

  • Data engineers

  • Data scientists

  • Developers

Course subjects

Module 1: AWS Well-Architected Framework Reviews

  • AWS Well-Architected Framework workload

  • AWS Well-Architected Framework review phases

  • AWS Well-Architected review approach, lessons learned, and use cases

  • AWS Well-Architected review best practices

  • AWS Well-Architected review anti-patterns

  • Knowledge check

Module 2: Customer Scenario Group Sessions

  • Customer Story

  • Demonstration of the workflow

  • Hands-on group exercise

  • Demonstration: Running a review in the Operational Excellence pillar

  • Role-play exercise: Running a review in the Security pillar

  • Role-play exercise: Running a review in the Reliability pillar

  • Role-play exercise: Running a review in the Performance Efficiency pillar

  • Role-play exercise: Running a review in the Cost Optimisation pillar

Module 3: Risk Solutions and Priorities

  • AWS Well-Architected Framework review engagement workflow

  • High risk and medium risk issues

  • Defining risks

  • Resolving high-risk issues (HRIs) and medium-risk issues (MRIs)

  • Group discussion: Identifying and resolving significant risks for:

    • Operational Excellence

    • Security

    • Reliability

    • Performance Efficiency

    • Cost Optimisation

    • Prioritising improvements

    • AWS Well-Architected improvement workflow

Module 4: Resources

  • Resource pages

  • AWS Well-Architected ISVs

  • AWS Well-Architected Partner Program (WAPP)

Module 5: Course Summary

  • Debrief

  • What’s next?

  • Course feedback

Please note: This is an emerging technology course. Course outline is subject to change as needed.


We recommend that attendees of this course have:

Terms & Conditions

The supply of this course by Lumify Work is governed by the booking terms and conditions. Please read the terms and conditions carefully before enrolling in this course, as enrolment in the course is conditional on acceptance of these terms and conditions.

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